
Click here to read about my upcoming book.

Apr. 24, 2024

I'm in Arequipa, Perú.

New web site server

Dec 8, 2006

Finally feels like winter, Cheryl is now working

Nov 29, 2006

Snow in Tucson is very rare, this is January 2007.

It finally feels like winter here in Tucson - last weekend we were out hiking up Mount Tumamoc on a beautiful sunny and warm day, then a couple days later the high is below 60 degrees. And the wind is quite cold, has a bite to it that reminds me of the winter winds back up in western WA.

House plans coming along just fine

Sept 7, 2006

Finally - I'm back online

Aug 23, 2006

The Catalina Hwy outside of Tucson.

Sheesh! First off - when I first relocated to Tucson I left my web server back in Seattle (on a dsl connection), until I could get set up on the net here in Tucson (on cable). Well, I finally did that in mid-July. I got the server up and running and thought it was working fine. When I connect to it on my own lan it worked, I was happily updating the blog, but low and behold! It wasn't accessible from the net!

I got a job and Monsoon season

Aug 14, 2006

Monsoon rains on Tucson, AZ.

I finally got a job! I'm working for Manheim's Tucson Auto Auction. My position is System Administrator. Just what I've been looking for. The Manheim auctions are wholesale only, auctions for auto dealers only, not the public. In fact, the public is not even allowed on the property without proper clearance, and there is a sheriff there on auction day to enforce it.