I got a job and Monsoon season

Aug 14, 2006

I finally got a job! I'm working for Manheim's Tucson Auto Auction. My position is System Administrator. Just what I've been looking for. The Manheim auctions are wholesale only, auctions for auto dealers only, not the public. In fact, the public is not even allowed on the property without proper clearance, and there is a sheriff there on auction day to enforce it.

It's a great job. We have an AS/400 for our server, I don't have to do too much on it, but get to work a bit on it. We have around 35 full time people and a lot more part time, something like 100 people in all. The benefits are quite good as well. But that should be expected - Manheim is part of the Cox family of companys.

Cheryl and I bought a new car a week ago. We bought a Mazda3 S Touring edition. It has the moonroof, 6 cd changer, wing spoiler, sport sills, 17\" wheels and low profile tires. It's a cool little car. Got it at the Cox discount, which is a fantastic deal, better than anyone can get, ever, no matter how good the advertised sales are.

Monsoon season is in full blow now. We've had some incredible storms, maybe you've seen some on the news. The Santa Catalina Mtns have been inundated, which in turn caused the Rillito River to fill to the top of it's banks, higher than ever recorded, ever. It dumps into the Santa Cruz River on the north side of town, then flows north to Marana, where it flooded big time. Also, the Sabina Creek turned into Sabina River, flooded so bad the road is closed almost for its entire length. Much of that road is washed away, completely gone, there's even a new canyon up there.

We've driven out to our lot after some of the bigger storms to check the drainage - it's very good. In fact, there appears to have been a very small stream from across the cul-de-sac, which crossed the corner of our lot, flowed into the neighbors lot, and through their lot. And a stream also flowed through their driveway. We were chatting with the neighbor lady a bit and she said it was pretty bad, in her lot, and the next couple lots down. But not my lot, it drained beautifully.

We have the architect working on our house plans now. Cheryl and I designed the house floor plan, and he is making all the real plans. Should have the preliminary work done in a week or two from now. The home building project is actually underway! It's getting exciting now! The whole process will be documented on this site, lots of pics and descriptions of the process, so stay tuned.