The letter "Jj" has two sounds, a hard sound and a soft sound.

The hard "Jj" - These words have the hard Jj sound (Note: the letter Gg can have the hard Jj sound):

  • job, jelly, banjo, eject
  • jump, joy, juice, jazz
  • giant, giraffe, gentle

The soft Jj - These words all have the soft "Jj" sound (Note: the letters "dg", "du" and "ge" can sometimes have the soft Jj sound):

  • bridges, edge, budget, strange
  • age, charge, large
  • educate, schedule, graduate

Practice reading the following sentences out loud, concentrate on pronunciation of the "Jj" sounds.
The red letters are pronounced with the soft "Jj" sound.
The green letters are pronounced with the hard "Jj" sound.

  • He plans to graduate on schedule, then get a job in a jazz band.
  • This is the strange and large charge that I found in the budget, it says it's for a banjo.
  • When I was at the age of 10 I jumped off the bridge at the edge of town.
  • The giant giraffe is very gentle.
  • I want a jelly sandwich and some juice.