The letter "Uu" has 3 common pronunciations - the long "Uu", another long "Uu", and the short "Uu".

The long "Uu" ("iu" sound) - It is pronounced the same as it's name. We use it this way in words such as:

  • union, cupid, ukulele
  • you, hue, huge

The other long "Uu" sound ("oo" sound) - Some words that use this sound include:

  • blue, clue, ruler
  • juice, rude, flu

The short "Uu" sound ("uh" sound) - Some words that use this sound include:

  • umbrella, unusual, fun
  • up, hug, cup, jump, duck

Practice reading the following sentences out loud, concentrate on pronunciation of the "Uu" sounds.
The red letters are pronounced with the long "Uu" sound.
The green letters are pronounced with the other long "Uu" sound.
The blue letters are pronounced with the short "Uu" sound.

  • The ukulele player was very good.
  • The umbrella was blown down the road.
  • My music was too fast for the people to dance too.
  • The ducks ate all the bread I had.
  • The cup tipped over and the juice spilled on the floor.
  • He was unhappy because the bug kept bugging him.
  • Will you shut the door when you leave?
  • Do you want a bowl of soup?
  • Tuesday comes after Monday, which is after Sunday.