
Click here to read about my upcoming book.

Apr. 24, 2024

I'm in Arequipa, Perú.

A New Short Story

Aug 13, 2020

All for the View.jpg

I wrote a new short story - All for the View - you can read it in the Writings section.

New short story

Aug 6, 2020

The Blackberry Popsicle.jpg

I wrote a new short story - The Blackberry Popsicle - you can read it in the Writings section. Please feel free to leave comments.

What's happening updates

July 7, 2020

Images drawn by Edward Lear

If you are a returning visitor to my site you probably noticed I've updated my site. I also updated my Chip's English Help site. I hope you like the new design. Please feel free to leave comments on any of my blogs and other writings.

I also added a search box to make it easier to find anything I've written on any word you enter in the box.

Life during the pandemic - not very exciting, for sure. Like most people around the world I spend most of my time at home in my little studio apartment. It's not fun, for sure. I go out for a walk every day, sometimes just around the block, other days along the beach. I do take a bus into Barranquilla most days to do an English lesson with my one student. Yep, only one student. All the others quit because of the quarantine. Here in Colombia we're still living under the national quarantine, since March 24, if I remember correctly. We're supposed to go out only 1 day a week, and that depends on the last digit of a person's ID number. I go out most days and so far it hasn't been a problem and I can only hope that it continues that way.


June 21, 2020

What should I expect when driving into that black hole? (Brewton Gulch Road, central Washington state, USA)


Expect: 1. to consider probable or certain; to consider reasonable, due, or necessary; to consider bound in duty or obligated 2. to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of (Mirriam-Webster Dictionary)

What are you expectations? Do you expect certain things to happen? Do you expect certain people to do certain things? What happens when these expectations do not come to pass? How do you feel?

Claudia Ulloque and Jose Paez Realty

May 31, 2020

Photo of a house for sale in Puerto Colombia.
Considering retirement to a more affordable place to live? Or just looking for a home to buy as an investment? Check out Claudia Ulloque and Jose Paez Realty in Puerto Colombia, Colombia. I have links in the right side column.