
Click here to read about my upcoming book.

Apr. 17, 2024

I'm in Ica, Perú.

Life in Colombia, right now

May 12, 2021

This is inside a nearly 400-year-old house in Cartago, Colombia.

I live in Colombia, in case you didn't already know that or bother to look at the bio info in the right-side column. And many of you have seen news reports of the protests in Colombia in recent weeks. You've probably even seen reports of up to 40 people who have died during those protests. That's all true, and it continues.

I've added a new short story

May 6, 2021

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I have added a new short story - Built for Pleasure to the My Writings page. Check it out!

I've added a new short story

May 2, 2021

The Winds of Change.jpg

I have added a new short story - The Winds of Change to the My Writings page. Check it out!

US English, Why do Brits Hate it So?

April 28, 2021

This is the transcript of a short video I found on the BBC website recently and found interesting, and I think many reading my blog will also find it of interest. (Keep in mind this is from England and comes from a British point of view.)

I've added a new short story

April 22, 2021

The Bake-off.jpg

I have added a new short story - The Bake-off to the My Writings page. Check it out!